An Open Letter to the American Public from More Than 30 Leaders

A fresh approach to health reform would provide resources and greater flexibility to the states to steward the return of freedom and personal choice over health decisions to doctors and patients. Our latest Consensus Group letter explains how the new plan would work:

Congressional leaders were poised last month to spend tens of billions of dollars in the omnibus bill to temporarily shore up Obamacare’s failing health insurance system. […]

A New Health-Care Debate

By Yuval Levin and Ramesh Ponnuru
National Review, March 29, 2018

After years of being a central political question, health care is on the back burner. Both parties contain experts and activists who want to make major changes to health policy. But for now, both parties’ politicians are wary. A decentralizing and deregulatory approach to health policy offers a substantively and politically attractive path […]

How Obamacare Raised Premiums

By Edmund Haislmaier and Doug Badger
The Heritage Foundation, March 5, 2018

The seismic effects of the ACA on insurance markets continue to be felt nearly eight years after its enactment. Premiums for individual coverage more than doubled between 2013 and 2017. Much of that increase resulted from Obamacare’s new regulations, especially prohibiting medical underwriting, guaranteed issue, and banning pre-ex exclusions. […]

Americans Need Health Reform to Be a Priority Issue in 2018

In an open letter to President Donald J. Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and House Speaker Paul Ryan, health care policy leaders articulate the need for health care reform in 2018. Making health care reform a priority is critical to halt rising costs and enable greater competition so Americans can choose the coverage that is right for them […]